The health of our pugs and yours is very important to us. We go through a rigorous testing schedule to help improve the health of all of our puppies. In doing this not all of our pugs will be of show quality or caliber. we as breeders have a responsibility to keep improving the breed not to keep breeding the same unhealthy puppies that have been around. We strive to produce the most functional puppy we can. When we do this we sometimes have to sacrifice form over function, we would rather produce puppies that are healthier, have less susceptibility to form health problems in the future over their looks. Below is some common health problems and examples of what we try to prevent in our puppies.
Genetic Testing
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PDE or Pug Dog Encephalitis
This is only a test to determine Risk of developing PDE/NME
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PLL or Primary Lens Luxation
This is only a test to determine Risk of developing PLL
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Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency of PKDEF. This is only a test to determine the risK of developing PKDEF
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DM orDegenerative Myelopathy
This is only a test to determine Risk of developing DM
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Health Testing
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Elbow Dysplasia - OFA Evaluation
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